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Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Rdcranno :Whats going on tomorrow, race still as scheduled?.

Joe and I will be discussing what will be happening later tonight. The series will happen, just have to iron out details of any changes and/or rule waivers to get the series off the ground.

Quote from J Myster :I would like to signup but how come i cannot view the forum why is this? I have registered

I do not know, I will ask Joe to have a look at, did you get a registration email?
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from joshdifabio :Why don't you race? :P

If it's an issue of potential bias or whatever, I personally don't care if it means we have an extra driver.

That goes for Sam, too .

Quote from Christopher Raemisch :
We will think of something to keep it interesting

I have not talked to Sam or Joe yet, but that was an option that went into my head =)

Over the weekend I will have a chat with Joe to look at more options to fill the grid a little.

DWB: I agree 100% but the level of commitment for UKCT was never meant to be that great. The CTRA takes a good majority of our free time and then some.
Calling All UK/IRE Drivers!
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Hopefully we can drum up more interest, check out this fantastic opportunity!

The Inaugural season of the UK ETM is finally up and running, with the schedule decided, ready, and waiting for drivers. If the other ETM divisions are any indicator this division will be an exciting one! With the top drivers being sent into the international division to compete with the best and greatest in Live for Speed touring cars, this is a chance for the aspiring driver that they just can’t pass up! Last season in the international division we saw Nils Naujoks and Marco Schade both receive an all inclusive trip to watch a Formula 1 race weekend at Monaco, after Nils won the championship and Schade won the final race of the season. Couple with this is the opportunity to be broadcast LIVE on eSports LIVE-streams, eSports really is where it’s at.

There will be 8 races, all held between April and the end of June. The winner of UK division will have the opportunity to run in the International Cup. See below for more specifics.

Start Date: Tuesday 01 April 2008
Number of events: 8
Finish Date: Tuesday 24 June 2008
Start Time: 1930 UK Time
Qualify Length: 15 minutes
Race length: Aproximately 1 Hour
Entrance Fee: €5.95 Euro

Original Thread

Signups now open!
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from joshdifabio :Is anything being done to try and find more drivers? With three days to go until the first race there are still only two of us signed-up and I'm quite sure that 99+% of active licensed UK LFS'ers don't actually know about this league.

Well if you know anyone that would be interested send them a link =) Nobody is stopping anyone from trying to promote the league.

Other than posting in the general section there isnt much else that can be done. People just are not interesting in this fantastic opportunity.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Stang70Fastback :I guess maybe out west? IDK, on the east coast I really don't think that holds true at all...

Pretty much everywhere but the east coast then It's the same way my Uncle made his house in Portland and they are made that way in Texas roughly from what I have seen and when I lived in Georgia thats how it seemed too.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :a related question:
what kind of flimsy houses do they build in america anyway that a .22 is able to penetrate an outer wall?

The houses are made out of 2x6 outer framing with 2x4 inner framing. The outer frame has a 1" sheet of plywood covered by 1' sheet of insulation. Then The siding is banged into the plywood. The siding is made out of sheets of PVC plastic that lock together. For insulation the 2x6 cavity is filled and then there is usually 1" sheet of sheetrock or drywall.

The roof frame is wooden framed, usually set on 24" centers IIRC (been a good 10 years since I helped my dad build his house) and are then covered in plywood (1" IIRC) over the plywood sheets of tarpaper are set down. Once the tarpaper is down sheets of "shingles" are placed down by nailing them to the plywood. The shingles are made of tar with gravel or other various die'd material stuck into one side of the shingle to provide a protective layer. Because of the tar the shingles stick together when it's warmed up, usually by direct sunlight.

With the insulation the houses are pretty good at keeping in heat and vice versa. They are much cheaper than stone and if taken care of can last just as long as a stone house.

The insides are what you make it and if you buy a cheap house your going to get cheap stuff inside it, but on the whole, when comparing to the UK to the USA there is no difference in furnishing or fixings. Cupboards, appliances, shelves, and doors are the same quality.

You get into the $1million plus range you can usually pick up a nice stone house in the states =)
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from MattxMosh :I blame modern science for keeping the idiots alive.

If it weren't for the internet, nobody but the locals would have heard of this, so nobody would know how truly stupid this man is.

Or smart.... I need to install a dish

It's just the ability of the internet to dissiminate information that makes people think more stupid things are happening than it used to happen. BTW this is not the only place stupid things with weapons has been done. I have a link at home to a video of 4 Iraqi's using AK's to dislodge a 150mm round from the ground, needless to say all 4 were vaporized instantly with a red tint of the sand 15 foot in all directions...

That guy is insane though
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Technique :ah, thanks. Perhaps they aren't protected birds then! We do in fact have woodpeckers as well - they have a very odd shaped red head, but I have not seen them on my car. I thought this guy was just another type of woodpecker since all he does is go crazy pecking really fast.

I don't know about NY but Wisconsin they are protected birds too, you probably have both birds attacking your car =) Just let it get dirty and your pecking problem will go away
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Technique :HERE'S THE EVIDENCE. You can clearly see two dings on my fender caused by this jerk.

Thats a robin not a woodpecker =)

I don't know what to say (Shoot the bloody bird and bury it in the backyard or something) I don't know what else you could do other than not polishing your car, the birds are attracted to their reflection and think it's a competitor so tries to peck at it. I have seen birds kill themselves trying to peck at their reflection. So if you can get the car in full shade to cut down the reflection that should help.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed

Love your edited Avatar Tristan =)
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Bah, I meant the school had a rifle range...
Why do I recognise your avatar?

Somehow paintballing seems a little tame once you fired real rounds

A little? Thats an understatement =)

Ruger .22 mag semiauto

Ruger .22 mag bolt action ... TIRLING_15_22MAG_4X28.JPG

Remington 11/87 12ga semiauto ... bahunter%5CRemington1.JPG

AR15 (Civi spec of M16)
http://www.innovativetactical. ... ushmaster/b74u4s91h09.jpg

Thomson contender (with scope, 4/10 barrel, .22 barrel, and .270 barrel IIRC)

Those are the weapons I currently own. Since the UK has strict laws concerning deadly weapons I have not fired these in a few years. There just isn't enough room to properly use these weapons for what they were intended to do (which is to kill game, IE food) and there isn't large enough game to justify many of these weapons. Target practice on the farm usually involved a spotting scope and a cardboard bale 600yds out =) I am not sure what's so interesting about weapons, they are pretty simple really, it could be because it takes take quiet a bit of skill to hit a target where you want to.

I used to go hunting quite a bit, living on a farm in the countryside we virtually lived off venison and rabbit and we never go to the store for meat, or veggies, for that matter, about the only thing we bought from the store was canned food to hold over through the winter and even then we had potato's and frozen fruit in the freezers (3 18cu. foot freezers full of frozen food for a family of 6) so we had homegrown everything year round.... come to think it I wonder why I am even bothering trying to scrape by on the economy in the UK...
Last edited by Christopher Raemisch, .
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from HVS5b :Welcome back that man

Never mind the X-system, it sounds like X2 might not be far away

Depends on the person's defination of 'soon'
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from evilpimp :Erm, found a mistake in the website, thought I'd point it out. :P ... iew_league&liga_id=25

At the last race is says Kyoto Long Grand Prix in track BL1?

Cheers =)

We will think of something to keep it interesting
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :actually what i was hinting at was that american cars drive like boats on a lake of jello
but seeing as you completely misunderstood my post and i am a lazy bastard please imagine that additionally to setting the record straight this post also contains a dig at americans that implies all of the above because at this time of day i really cant be arse to actually word it myself and my butler is currently out buying pizza and thus unavailable to do it for me

Sorry Missed the boat on that one... this is one of the few things I hate about forums, you cannot hear or see people so that automatically part of the communication is lost...
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :please change your flag back to the us one right now

I will not, your trying to insinuate that Americans are stupid and that my comment was inaccurate Your also insinuating that I wouldn't be worthy to hold a British flag, and trust me the Brits are no brighter or dimmer than anyone else, neither are the Germans for that matter

Bob was talking about bushing deformities, which at least in my car when cornering nearing 1g throws the alignment out and causes the geometry to degrade, true there are other things that factor into the this, but bushing deformation is one of those factors, not matter how big or small =)
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from jonny__27 :i never said mature questions get some bad answers, but since when the immature ones must be strongly attacked?

for instance, i think this one never happened (thank God to that), but imagine there is someone who finds out about lfs, registers on the forum and opens a thread asking if it is that realistic. what would you do if you get answers like "why don't you search noob?"

I do agree here, the level of hostility to these people is too high for the community to be, well, a community that is sustainable.

It's one thing saying, 'please use the search function before posting, this helps keep the forum efficient and reduces the number of duplicate threads"

It's quite a different story to someone who says '**** off use the search function, or die' or something to that effect. These derogatory statements must be quelled on the forum for it to be an effective community tool. Nobody wants to read nasty comments like that, and they defiantly won't want to be posting, in fear of having their head bitten off. different people think in different ways, diversity is great for that. Thinking differently brings in ideas that people would not normally think of =)

These people that are being attacked are not part of the 'mainstream' of LFS. We know this, but they contribute to the game (simulation) just as much as anyone else, just in their own way. When people post these harsh comments it's the internet equivalent to a KKK lynch mob...

No I am not going to dig up specifics, I don't need to. I frequent the forums enough to have seen these types of threads many times over, to be blunt I might have even been in a few of them, but they need to stop.
Last edited by Christopher Raemisch, .
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Infidel is the accepted term I believe.

Depends, warmonger comes to mind too

I would like to say, anyone reading this, it's intended to be a bit of light humor and nothing more =)
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I nearly used aluminium as an example, but the original spelling was in fact aluminum. It was later changed to ...ium to stick with the other elements/metals that also end in ium.

So, technically speaking, aluminum is the original and correct way of spelling it, and aluminium is one of the few examples where England has bastardised (...ized?) an American word

American, British, ehh whats the difference =) I haven't seen much why don't they just call us all Ameritish and get it over with

Quote from SamH :Wait til you get a yank trying to join two wires.. they try to "sodder" them together


FYI it IS spelled solder in the states, just for some reason when one specific American tries to say it... The guys at work used to giggle every time I would say I was 'soddering' they didn't enlighten me as to what it meant over here for a few months... those "********"

uhh, gotta love getting OT...
Last edited by Christopher Raemisch, .
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :There was me expecting a discussion on bushing compliance and the resulting dynamic wheel alignment that happens during cornering. Which LFS doesn't model.

Gotta love that soft squishy feeling, for the road cars at least.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I can't have done. I can say words like Tomato properly.

Forgot aluminum too, thats even spelled differently
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Nobody minds people drifting or cruising. We do mind when people make requests for pointless cruising addons in a racing simulator.

Whilst LFS is sufficiently powerful and realistic to cater for the immature idiots that enjoy cruising or, generally, drifting (though of course each group has exceptions), they are not it's primary aim, and as such are unlikely to be ever supported by LFS itself, requiring external addons to do so.

There are plenty of games that are designed solely 'for fun'. LFS is not one of them - it is made to be realistic. Fortunately the realistic act of driving a car on a racing track in a race is an exciting one. Dumbing it down to cater for those that don't actually care about racing or realism will eventually destroy LFS, and I'm pleased to see that Scawen rarely panders to the wants to the dim.

For how blunt you are Tristan there have been many times I have wondered if you grew up in the USA

Not saying I don't agree with you though.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from PioneerLv :Thank you for explaining.

Lock this thread.

your stats are very good =) I wouldn't worry about it too much, you seem to be doing what is right and will eventually get there =)
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Dru :Thanks to Chris's help I managed to get an RB4's front tyres to last 31 laps around BL1R at the weekend.

Thanks Chris buddy

Awesome! I hoped they would, Glad I could help =) they lastesd 10 laps battling Moose so I thought they were up for the job =)
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :Kids :rolleyes:

No qualms here if another server is setup =) Maybe you guys can find a good recipe that CTRA can't find to make a TBO only server fly.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Bumpdrafter :I don't recall saying South City I mean Blackwood. Heck, even at the autocross track people wreck in T1.

24 Pounds is a small invesment only for those in europe/uk/usa. Currency greatly increases this value here. Of course, some brazilians have it, but it isn't a "small investment" anymore

If you love racing there are ways, and trust me the level of racing that can be found now is something people would usually see in league races, superb =)